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Owner/Coach Chelsea

My love for health and fitness started when I was young at about the age of 12. Anyone that knew me at this time knew that I was obsessed with professional wrestling (yes, you read that right – the WWF attitude era wrestling of the late 90s!). For birthdays and holiday gifts, I would request VHS home fitness videos created by my favorite wrestlers. I was fascinated by being strong, looking like them and moving my body like them. So every day, I would work out along with the videos doing mostly bodyweight movements and using what I had of my dad’s small dumbbell collection. By the age of 15, my home work out videos had turned into my first gym membership where I learned a lot about the basic bodybuilding movements, rep ranges to grow and various forms of cardio/aerobic work. Despite doing mostly isolation accessory exercises at the time, I loved the way lifting made me feel and doing aerobic kickboxing classes for cardio. 


During my college years, my fire for heavier strength training was lit. I learned the correct technical form in performing the 3 main lifts (squat, bench, deadlift) and trained with the Powerlifting team. During that time and into my twenties, I also found a passion for long distance running and joined the Crossfit community for a short time. Over the past decade, I’ve run 4 half marathons, competed in 3 powerlifting competitions, 1 CrossFit competition and 5 bodybuilding competitions. I'm a very goal oriented person and believe that when goals - no matter how big or small - are set and met, we build confidence and thrive. Today, in my mid-thirties and as a mother of two, I am continuing to compete as a NPC Bikini competitor and 60kg Powerlifter.


I’ve been fortunate enough to turn my passion, wealth of knowledge in fitness and well- rounded experience into what is now my business that I can share with all of you. My goal is to help women get strong, be confident and feel beautiful in doing so. Life can throw us in all different directions and as a coach, I realize that everybody is unique, each with their own goals and lifestyle. However, I believe that making your fitness journey a priority is the center and baseline of a healthy lifestyle for overall physical and mental wellness - regardless of where you are in life. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced lifter wanting to take it to the next level, I will construct a plan and training schedule according to your fitness experience and needs that will have you seeing results in no time!

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